Wednesday, February 21, 2007

study week. hooray? maybe not. but it's the last lap, so.. HOORAY!

BPO, HB and CRMP papers on mon, wed, thus respectively. cant wait till it all ends so i can go get my clock with sha la la. he has PROMISED to get my clock frm Molecule (just like how he promised a nice hand made v-day gift which till today, i've not received- you get the idea).

reunion was great, kong made his own luo hey which was damn cute. niece- bella wore a pink cheong sum thing which was cuter than cute. 8 red packets this yr amounted to a miserable $172.

ANDREW LEE has been a great source of distraction. yes ANDREW LEE CHEOW SOMETHING. thanks for all the happy calls though. let's date after the papers else i'll blog bout u and ur......... *toot*. cheers. and i will, i tell u.

lunch at ikea, ice cream at haagen dazs, a lil shoppin at queensway. that was all you had to do to perk me up... really.

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